Dr. Bern Klein and Rockburst Technologies win a $300,000 Innovate BC award to develop a novel method to break rock!

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This project will develop a rock comminution processing system that employs a novel approach to comminution (breaking rock) called transcritical CO2 rock pulverization.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is infused into the pores of rock particles at high pressure and temperature such that it becomes supercritical and behaves like a dense fluid. When the pressure is rapidly released, the CO2 expands inside the rock pores effectively breaking the rock from within.

Have a look at this video: https://youtu.be/xHynGVfGkJ4

Current methods of breaking rock are very inefficient. This process aims to improve efficiency, reduce GHG emissions, achieve operational simplicity, and minimize environmental impact.

Partners: Dr. Bern Klein, University of British Columbia; Chuck Lee, Rockburst Technologies Inc.; Richard MacKellar, Chrysalix Venture Capital Fund