
The Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering

One of North America’s largest and most advanced centres for mining engineering education and research.

Our People

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The NBK Institute

Find us on UBC's scenic Vancouver campus


Mining at UBC offers a broad professional degree program, integrating courses on engineering principles, earth and mineral sciences, mining and mineral processing case studies, health, safety and environmental issues, social sciences and management, as well as economics and business.

Emphasis is on providing students with the comprehensive knowledge and hands-on skills to succeed in the industry. Students have opportunities for industry employment and participation in research activity at working mines. This approach helps our students develop practical skills and gain exposure to valuable industry experience.

Our faculty members are active within the industry through research, consulting activities and involvement in professional societies. Around the world, wherever mines or mineral prospects are located, UBC alumni are working with mining and exploration companies, and government agencies. End result: An innovative, industry- responsive and internationally recognized program of the highest caliber.

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Study at a university consistently ranked in the global top 20.

Our Department

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We’re exemplified by the dedication of our faculty and staff who provide a dynamic, hands-on learning experience for both undergraduate and graduate students.

In addition to their important role as teachers and mentors, the faculty work with graduate students and staff to pursue research in all aspects of mining from technical to social and environmental. Support from alumni, corporations, foundations, students, parents and other friends assist the NBK Institute of Mining Engineering in conducting leading-edge research, providing outstanding education and contributing to social and economic development in Canada and around the world.

NBK Mining Engineering works with The Office of the Ombudsperson for Students and all UBC community members to ensure students are treated fairly and can learn, work and live in a fair, equitable and respectful environment.

Our Facilities


Our facilities are specifically designed to ensure that our faculty, staff and students are prepared to meet the demands of the mining industry.

Our instructional building, the Frank Forward building and our research facility, the Coal & Mineral Processing Laboratory, are fully equipped to provide a positive research and educational framework.

Much of the equipment has been obtained through the generosity of donors and the initiative of faculty who seek out and obtain research grants.

As a result, the UBC Department of Mining Engineering is able to maintain its reputation for producing first-rate mining engineers and research.

About UBC

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The University of British Columbia (UBC) is a global centre for teaching, learning and research, consistently ranked among the top 20 public universities in the world and recently recognized as North America’s most international university.

Since 1915, our motto, Tuum Est (It is Yours), has been a declaration of our commitment to attracting and supporting those who have the drive to shape a better world. As a result, UBC students, faculty and staff continue to embrace innovation and challenge the status quo, placing us at the forefront of discovery, learning and engagement. UBC encourages bold thinking, curiosity and initiative, so you can realize your greatest potential.

Looking for more information?

You can reach out to us with any questions you may have regarding our programs. We’re always more than happy to help.

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