Dr. Janusz S. Laskowski, FCIM, is President of Laskowski Research Inc. and Professor Emeritus of mineral processing at UBC. He graduated B.Sc. in chemistry from Silesian University of Technology in 1956, obtained M.Sc. degree in chemical engineering in 1958, and Ph.D. degree in mineral processing in 1963. In 1961/62, he spent a year as a postgraduate student at the Department of Colloid Chemistry, Lomonosov University, Moscow (Prof. P.A. Rehbinder) and was involved in doing research under supervision of Professor V.I. Klassen at the Mining Institute of USSR Academy of Sciences in Moscow. In 1966 he translated Klassen’s monograph on “Coal Flotation” (V.I. Klassen, Coal Flotation, Wyd. Slask, Katowice, 1966; Polish text). In 1967, Dr. Laskowski obtained a Leverhulme Trust Post-Doctoral Fellowship and in 1967/68 spent one year as a post-doctoral fellow with Dr. J.A. Kitchener at the Department of Mineral Technology, Imperial College, London. When Dr. Kitchener retired he edited jointly with Prof. John Ralston the volume “Colloid Chemistry in Mineral Processing” in his honor. The book was published by Elsevier in 1992.
Dr. Laskowski was an associate professor of mineral processing at the Silesian University of Technology until 1973 when he was appointed professor of mineral processing at the Wroclaw Technical University, Wroclaw, Poland. In 1971/72, he was a visiting professor and taught several courses at the University of Chile in Santiago; during this time having been invited by Professor Fernando Concha he spent one month with the University of Concepcion and updated his book (“FundamentosFisicoquimios de la Mineralurgia”) which was then translated into Spanish and was published by the University of Concepcion in 1974.
Dr. Laskowski was a member of the International Committee in charge of International Mineral Processing Congresses since 1970, chaired the 13th International Mineral Processing Congress in Warsaw in 1979 and edited the two-volume proceedings (J.S. Laskowski (editor), Mineral Processing – Proc. 13th Int. Mineral Processing Congress, Elsevier, 1980) and three volumes of the round-table seminars. In 1981, he was invited by Professor Douglas W. Fuerstenau to join him as a visiting professor and spent one year with the University of California, Berkeley. Since 1982 he was a Professor of Mineral Processing in the Department of Mining and Mineral Process Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. When Professor Jan Leja retired after 20 years with the University of British Columbia, he edited a volume “Frothing in Flotation” in his honor (published by Gordon and Breach in 1989). This book turned out to be the first volume in the series of publications; “Frothing in Flotation II”, edited jointly with E.T. Woodburn, was published by Gordon and Breach in 1998; “Frothing in Flotation III”, edited jointly with C.T. O’Connor and J.P. Franzidis, appeared as a special issue of International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol. 64, Nos. 2-3 (2002).
In 1966, Dr. Laskowski started a series of Polish National Symposia “Physico-Chemical Problems of Mineral Processing” and was a chairman of the Organizing Committee until 1980. When he left the country the Symposia were taken over by his previous Ph.D. students and research associates (Dr. J. Lekki, Dr. A. Luszczkiewicz, Dr. J. Drzymala, Dr. Z. Sadowski), and since then he has been a member of the Editorial Board.
The two sabbatical leaves from the University of British Columbia he spent with Prof. Jean Cases’s Surface Chemistry Group at EcoleNationaleSuperieure de Geologie, Nancy, France in 1987/88, and with the Department of Chemical Engineering of the University of Cape Town in 1996.
In 1984, Dr. Laskowski founded “Coal Preparation” international journal and was its editor-in-chief until 2004.
In 1995, he initiated a new series of UBC-McGill international symposia on Fundamentals of Mineral Processing and chaired the first Symposium on “Processing of Hydrophobic Minerals and Fine Coal”, Vancouver, August 1995. The proceedings volume “Processing of Hydrophobic Minerals and Fine Coal” was edited by J.S. Laskowksi and G.W. Poling and was published by CIM Metallurgical Society in 1995. He chaired the 3rd Symposium on “Polymers in Mineral Processing”, Quebec City, 1999, and edited the proceedings volume which appeared under the same title. He chaired the 5th Symposium, “Particle Size Enlargement in Mineral Processing”, which was held in Hamilton inAugust 2004, and edited the Symposium Proceedings. In 2006, Metallurgical Society of Canadian Institution of Mining organized the 6th UBC-McGill-University of Alberta international symposium on “Interfacial Phenomena in Fine Particle Technology” in honour of Professor Janusz Laskowski. This was followed by a publication of a special issue of Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Vol. 46, No. 3, 2007.
With Professor David Boger he co-chaired the Engineering Foundation Conference on “Rheology in the Mineral Industry”, San Diego, February, 1997. The papers presented at this conference appeared in a special issue of Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review (Vol. 20, Nos. 1-3, 1999), edited by D.V. Boger and J.S. Laskowski, and in a special issue of Coal Preparation (Vol. 18, Nos. 3-4, 1997) edited by J.S. Laskowski and H. Usui.Dr. Laskowski co-chaired the 2nd Engineering Foundation Conference on “Rheology in the Mineral Indiustry”, Hawaii, March, 1999.
Dr. Laskowski along with Dr. J. Drelich co-chaired the Symposium “Apparent and Microscopic Contact Angles” held in conjunction with the 216th National American Chemical Society Meeting, Boston, August 24-27, 1998, and jointly with J. Drelich and K.J. Mittal edited the volume “Apparent and Microscopic Contact Angles” published by VSP in 2000.
Dr. Laskowski’s monograph on “Coal Flotation and Fine Coal Utilization” was published by Elsevier in 2001.
In 2000, Dr. Laskowski won the Arthur F. Taggart Award from the Society of Mining Engineering. In 2008, at the 24th International Mineral Processing Congress in Beijing he was awarded themineral processing’s highest award, the Lifetime Achievement Award of the International Mineral Processing Council. He is a recipient of the 2010 Antoine Gaudin Award.
He supervised 20 Ph.D. theses, and published over 250 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings.
Dr. Laskowski retired from University of British Columbia in 2001 but continue doing research with a group of graduate students, and in collaboration with the University of Concepcion (Chile), Helsinki University of Technology, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi (Mexico) and with CSIRO in Melbourne.
In 2002 he incorporated his own research company, Laskowski Research Inc.
Selected Publications
- 160. Rebolledo, E., Laskowski, J.S., Gutierrez, L. and Castro, S., Use of dispersants in flotation of molybdenite
in seawater, Minerals Engineering, 2016, in press.; - 159. Castro, S., Lopez-Valdivieso, A. and Laskowski, J.S., Review of the flotation of molybdenite. Part I: Surface
properties and floatability, Int. J. Mineral Processing, Vol. 148, 48-58 (2016).; - 158. Laskowski, J.S. and Castro S., Flotation in concentrated electrolyte solutions, Int. J. Mineral Processing,
Vol.144, 50-55 (2015).; - 157. Corona-Arroyo, M.A., Lopez-Valdivieso, A., Laskowski, J.S. and Encinas-Oropesa, A., Effect of frothers and
dodecylamine on bubble size and gas holdup in a downflow column, Minerals Engineering, Vol,. 81, 109-
115 (2015). ; - 156. Castro, S. and Laskowski, J.S., Depressing Effect of Flocculants on Molybdenite Flotation, Minerals
Engineering, Vol. 74, 13-19 (2015).; - 155. Laskowski, J.S., Castro, S. and Ramos, O., Effect of Seawater Main Components on Frothability in the
Flotation of Cu-Mo Sulfide Ores, Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, Vol. 50, No. 1, 17-30
(2014). ; - 154. Ramos, O., Castro, S. and Laskowski, J.S., Copper-Molybdenum Ores Flotation in Sea Water:
Floatability and Frothability, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 53, 108-112 (2013).; - 153. Castro, S., Miranda, C., Toledo, P. and Laskowski, J.S., Effect of Frothers on Bubble Coalescence and
Foaming in Electrolyte Solutions and Seawater, Int. J. Mineral Processing, Vol. 124, 8-14 (2013).; - 152. Laskowski, J.S., From Amine Molecules Adsorption to Amine Precipitate Transport by Bubbles: A Potash
Ore Flotation Mechanism, Minerals Engineering, 45, 170-179 (2013).; - 151. Laskowski, Janusz S., Anisotropic Minerals in Flotation Circuits, CIM Journal, Vol. 3, No. 4, 203-213 (2012).;
- 150. Genc Merve, Ayse, Kilickaplan, Isil and Laskowski, Janusz S., Effect of Pulp Rheology on the Flotation of
Nickel Sulfide Ore With Fibrous Gangue Particles, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Vol. 51, No. 4, 368-375
(2012).; - 149. Concha, F., Ruluov, N.N. and Laskowski, J.S., Settling Velocities of Particulate Systems 18: The Use of
Ultraflocculation in Determination of Thickening Parameters, Int. J. Mineral Processing, Vol. 104-105, 53-57
(2012).; - 148. Castro, S. and Laskowski, J.S., Froth Flotation in Saline Water, KONA, 2011, No. 29, 4-15 (2011).;
- 147. Rulyov, N.N., Laskowski, J.S. and Concha, F., The Use of Ultra-flocculation in Optimization of the
Experimental Flocculation Procedures, Physicochem. Problems of Mineral Processing, Vol. 47, 5-16 (2011); - 146. Ndlovu, B.N., Forbes, E., Becker, M., Deglon, D.A., Franzidis, J.P. and Laskowski, J.S., The Effects of
Chrysotile Mineralogical Properties on the Rheology of Chrysotile Suspensions, Minerals Engineering,
Vol. 24, 1004-1009 (2011).; - 145. Laskowski, J.S., A New Approach to Classification of Flotation Collectors, Canadian Metallurgical
Quarterly, Vol. 49, 397-404 (2010).; - 144. Schreithofer, N., Laskowski, J.S. and Heiskanen, K., Changes of Methylated Silica Surfaces on
Ageing. Adsorption, Vol. 16, 271-277 (2010).; - 143. Burdukova, E., Laskowski, J.S. and Forbes, G., Precipitation of Dodecylamine in KCl-NaCl Saturated Brine
and Attachment of Amine Particles to KCl and NaCl Surfaces, Int. J. Mineral Processing, Vol. 93, 34-40
(2009). ; - 142. Burdukova, E. and Laskowski, J.S., Effect of Insoluble Amine on Bubble Surfaces on Particle-Bubble
Attachment in Potash Ore Flotation, Can. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 87, 441-447 (2009).; - 141. Ding, K. and Laskowski J.S., Effect of Flotation on Preparation of Coal-Water Slurries, Int. J. Coal
Preparation & Utilization, Vol. 29, 84-98 (2009).; - 140. Patil, D.P. and Laskowski, J.S., Development of Zero Conditioning Procedure for Coal Reverse Flotation.
Minerals Eng., Vol. 21, 373-379 (2008). ; - 139. Burdukova, E., Van Leerdam, G.C., Prins, F.E., Smeink, R.G., Bradshaw, D.J. and Laskowski, J.S.,
Effect of Calcium Ions on the Adsorption of CMC onto the Basal Planes of New York Talc – A ToF-SIMS
Study, Minerals Eng., Vol. 21, 1020-1025 (2008).; - 138. Burdukova, E., Becker, M., Bradshaw, D.J. and Laskowski, J.S., The Presence of Negative Charge on the
Basal Planes of New York Talc. J. Colloid and Interf. Sci., Vol. 315, 337-342 (2007).; - 137. Boylu, F. and Laskowski, J.S., Rate of Water Transfer to Flotation Froth in the Flotation of Low-Rank Coal
that also Requires the Use of Oily Collector. Int. J. Mineral Processing, Vol. 83, 125-131 (2007).; - 136. Schreithofer, N. and Laskowski, J.S., Investigation of KCl Crystal/NaCl-KCl Saturated Brine Interface and
Octadecylamine Deposition with the Use of AFM, Canadian Metallurgical Quart., Vol. 46, 285-294 (2007).; - 135. Laskowski, J.S., Pawlik, M. and Ansari, A., Effect of Brine Concentration on the Krafft Point of Long-Chain
Primary Amines. Canadian Metallurgical Quart., Vol. 46, 295-300 (2007). ; - 134. Burdukova, E., Bradshaw, D.J. and Laskowski J.S., Effect of CMC and pH on the Rheology of
Suspensions of Isotropic and Anisotropic Minerals. Canadian Metallurgical Quart., Vol. 46, 273-278 (2007). ; - 133. Laskowski, J.S., Flotation Thermodynamics: Can We Learn Anything from It? Canadian Metallurgical Quart.,
Vol. 46, 251-258 (2007).; - 132. Melo, F. and Laskowski, J.S., Effect of Frothers and Solid Partiucles on the Rate of Water Transfer to Froth.
Int. J. Mineral Processing, Vol. 84, 33-40 (2007).; - 131. Laskowski, J.S., Liu, Q. and O’Connor, C.T., Current Understanding of the Mechanism of Polysaccharide
Adsorption at the Mineral/Aqueous Solution Intreface. Int. J. Mineral Processing, Vol. 84, 59-68 (2007); - 130. Ding, K. and Laskowski, J.S., Effect of Conditioning on Selective Flocculation with Polyacrylamide in the
Coal Reverse Flotation. Trans. IMM, Sec. C., Vol. 116, 108-114 (2007).; - 129. Melo, F. and Laskowski, J.S., Fundamental Properties of Flotation Frothers and Their Effect on Flotation.
Minerals Eng., Vol. 19, 766-773 (2006).; - 128. Pawlik, M. and Laskowski J.S., Stabilization of Mineral Suspensions by Guar Gum in Potash Ore Flotation
Systems. Canadian J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 84, 532-538 (2006). ; - 127. Grau, R.A. and Laskowski, J.S., Effect of Frothers on Bubble Generation and Coalescence in a Mechanical
Flotation Cell, Canadian J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 84, 170-182 (2006).; - 126. Ding, K. and Laskowski, J.S., Application of a Modified Water Glass in a Cationic Flotation of Calcite and
Dolomite, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Vol. 45, 199-206 (2006) ; - 125. Ding, K. and Laskowski, J.S., Coal Reverse Flotation. Part I. Separation of a Mixture of Subbituminous Coal
and Gangue Minerals, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 19, 72-78 (2006).; - 124. Ding, K., and Laskowski, J.S., Coal Reverse Flotation. Part II: Cleaning of a Subbituminous Coal, Minerals
Engineering, Vol. 19, 79-86 (2006).; - 123. Grau, R., Laskowski, J.S., Heiskanen, K., Effect of Frothers on Bubble Size, Int. J. Mineral Processing,
Vol. 76, 225-233 (2005). ; - 122. Pawlik, M., Laskowski, J.S. and Melo, F., Effect of Coal Surface Wettability on Aggregation ofFine Coal
Particles, Coal Preparation, Vol. 24, 233-248 (2004).; - 121. Lopez-Valdivieso, A., Celedon-Cervantes, T., Song, S., Robledo-Cabrera, A. and Laskowski, J.S., Dextrin
as a Non-toxic Depressant for Pyrite in Flotation with Xanthates as Collector, Minerals Engineering, Vol.
17, 1001-1006 (2004).; - 120. Holuszko, M.E., Laskowski, J.S. and Brown, D.W., Handleability Assessment of Selected Coals Using
Durham Cone and Handleability Monitor, Coal Preparation, Vol, 24, 195-216 (2004).; - 119. Holuszko, M.E.. and Laskowski, J.S., Use of Pelletization to Assess the Effect of Particle-Particle
Interactions on Coal Handleability, Coal Preparation, Vol. 24 , 179-194 (2004). ; - 118. Pawlik, M. and Laskowski, J.S., Coal Reverse Flotation. Part II. Batch Flotation Tests, Coal Preparation,
Vol. 23, 113-128 (2003).; - 117. Pawlik, M. and Laskowski, J.S., Coal Reverse Flotation. Part I. Adsorption of Dodecyltrimethyl Ammonium
Bromide and Humic Acids onto Coal and Silica, Coal Preparation, Vol. 23, 91-112 ( 2003).; - 116. Laskowski, J.S., Cho, Y.S. and Ding, K., Effect of Frothers on Bubble Size and Foam Stability in Potash
Ore Flotation Systems, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 81, 63-69 (2003).; - 115. Laskowski, J.S., Tlhone, T., Williams, P. and Ding, K., Fundamental Properties of the Polyoxypropylene
Alkyl Ether Flotation Frothers, Int. Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol. 72, 289-299 (2003).; - 114. Pawlik, M., Laskowski, J.S. and Ansari, A., Effect of Carboxymethyl Cellulose and Ionic Strength on
Stability of Mineral Suspensions in Potash Ore Flotation Systems, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 260, 251-258 (2003).; - 113.. Laskowski, J.S. and Yuan, X.M., Flotation of Sulfide Minerals with the Use of a Cationic Collector,
Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Vol. 41, 381-390 (2002). ; - 112. Cho, Y.S. and Laskowski, J.S., Bubble Coalescence and Its Effect on Dynamic Foam Stability, Canadian J. Chemical Engineering, Vol. 80, 299-305 (2002).;
- 111. Gosiewska, A., Drelich, J., Laskowski, J.S. and Pawlik, M., Mineral Matter Distribution on Coal Surface and Its Effect on Coal Wettability, J. Colloid and Interface Sci., Vol. 247, 107-116 (2002).;
- 110. Cho, Y.S. and Laskowski, J.S., Effect of Flotation Frothers on Bubble Size and Foam Stability, Int., J.
Mineral Processing, 2001, Vol. 64, 69-80 (2002).; - 109. He, Y.B., Laskowski, J.S. and Klein, B., Particle Movement in Non-Newtonian Slurries: The Effect of Yield
Stress on Dense Medium Separation, Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 56, 2991-2998 (2001).; - 108. Liu, Q., Zhang, Y. and Laskowski, J.S., The Adsorption of Polysaccharides onto Mineral Surfaces: An
Acid/Base Interaction. Int. J. Mineral Processing, Vol. 60, 229-245 (2000). ; - 107. Sworska, A., Laskowski, J.S. and Cymerman, G., Flocculation of Syncrude Tailings. Part I. Effect of pH,
Polymer Dosage and Mg2+ and Ca2+ Cations, Int. J. Mineral Processing, Vol. 60, 143-152 (2000). ; - 106. Sworska, A., Laskowski, J.S. and Cymerman, G., Flocculation of Syncrude Tailings. Part II. Effect of
Hydrodynamic Conditions, Int. J. Mineral Processing, Vol. 60, 153-161 (2000) ; - 105. Laskowski, J.S., Adsorption of Dextrin at Mineral/Water Interface, J. Coll. Interf. Sci., Vol. 211, 178
(1999). ; - 104. Drelich, J., Laskowski and J.S., Pawlik, M., Improved Sample Preparation and Surface Analysis
Methodology for Contact Angle Measurements on Coal (Heterogeneous) Surfaces, Coal Preparation,
Vol. 21, 247-276 (2000). ; - 103. Laskowski, J.S. and Yu., Z., Oil Agglomeration and Its Effect on Beneficiation and Filtration
Of Low-rank/Oxidized Coals, Int. J. Mineral Processing, Vol. 58, 237-252 (2000).; - 102. Klein, B. and Laskowski, J.S., Rheological Measurements on Settling Suspensions, Mineral Processing &
Extr. Metal. Review, Vol. 20, 167-182 (1999). ; - 101. He, Y.B. and Laskowski, J.S., Rheological Properties of Magnetic Suspensions, Mineral Processing &
Extr. Metal. Review, Vol. 20, 167-182 (1999); - 100. Laskowski, J.S., Does it Matter How Coals are Cleaned for CWS? Coal Preparation, Vol. 21, 105-123
(1999).; - 99. Laskowski, J.S., Adsorption of Dextrin at Mineral/Water Interface, J. Coll. Interf. Sci., Vol. 211, 178
(1999). ; - 98. Laskowski, J.S., Dense Medium Separation of Fine Coal, Research and Trends, Mining World, March 1997, pp. 28-37.;
- 97. Drelich, J., Laskowski, J.S., Pawlik, M. and Veeramasuneni, S., Preparation of a Coal Surface for Contact
Angle Measurements, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology., Vol. 11, 1399-1431 (1997).; - 96. Rath, R.K., Subramanian, S. and Laskowski, J.S., Adsorption of Dextrin and Guar Gum onto Talc. A
Comparative Study, Langmuir, Vol. 13, 6260-6266 (1997). ; - 95. Laskowski, J.S., Liu, Q. and Zhan, Y., Sphalerite Activation: Flotation and Electrokinetic Studies, Minerals
Engineering, Vol. 10, 787-802 (1997).; - 94 Pawlik, M. and Laskowski, J.S., Effect of Humic Acids and Coal Rank on Rheology of Coal-Water Fuels, Coal Preparation, Vol. 18. 129-150 (1997);
- 93. Klein, B., Laskowski, J.S. and Partridge, S.J., A New Viscometer for Rheological Measurements on Settling Suspensions, Journal of Rheology, Vol. 39, 827-840 (1995). ;
- 92. He, Y.B. and Laskowski, J.S., Dense Medium Cyclone Separation of Fine Particles, Part II. Coal Preparation, Vol. 16, 27 – 49 (1995).;
- 91. He, Y.B. and Laskowski, J.S. Dense Medium Cyclone Separation of Fine Particles, Part I. Coal Preparation, Vol. 16, 1 – 25 (1995).;
- 90. Liu, Q., Laskowski, J.S., Li, Y. and Wang D., Synergistic Effect of Mineral Surface Constituents in Dextrin Adsorption. Int. J. Mineral Processing, Vol. 42, 251-266 (1994).;
- 89. Laskowski, J.S., Coal Surface Chemistry and it’s Role in Fine Coal Beneficiation and Utilization, Coal Preparation, Vol. 14, 115-132 (1994).;
- 88. Laskowski, J.S. and Nyamekye, G.A., Colloid Chemistry of Weak Electrolyte Collectors: The Effect of Conditioning on Flotation with Fatty Acids, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol. 40, 245-256 (1994).;
- 87. He, Y.B. and Laskowski, J.S., Effect of Dense Medium Properties on the Separation Performance of a Dense Medium Cyclone, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 7, 209-222 (1994).;
- 86. Palmes, J.R. and Laskowski, J.S., Effect of the Properties of Coal Surface and flocculant Type on the Flocculation of Fine Coal, Minerals and Metallurgical Processing, 218-222 (1993).;
- 85. Laskowski, J.S., Frothers and Flotation Froth, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, Vol. 12, 61-89 (1993).;
- 84. Laskowski, J.S., Electrokinetic Measurements in Aqueous Solutions of Weak Electrolyte Type Surfactants, J. Colloid & Interface Sci., Vol. 159, 349-353 (1993).;
- 83. Subramanian, S. and Laskowski, J.S., Adsorption of Dextrin onto Graphite. Langmuir, Vol. 9, 1330-1333 (1993). ;
- 82. Nyamekye, G.A. and Laskowski, J.S., Adsorption and Electrokinetic Studies on the Dextrin-Sulphide Mineral Interactions. J.Colloid & Interface Sci., Vol. 157, 160-167 (1993).;
- 81. Laskowski, J.S., Xu, Z. and Yoon, R.H., Energy Barrier in Particle-to-bubble Attachment and its Effect on Flotation Kinetics. Mines et carrieres – Les Techniques, Vol. 74, 95 (December 1992); Presented at the 17th International Mineral Processing Congress, Dresden, September 23-28, 1991, Congress Proceedings, Vol. 2, pp. 237-249.;
- 80. He, Y.B. and Laskowski, J.S., Contact Angle Measurements on Discs Compressed from Fine Coal. Coal Preparation, Vol. 10, 19-36 (1992).;
- 79. Bolin, N.J. and Laskowski, J.S., Polysaccharides in Flotation of Sulphides, Part II. Copper/Lead Separation with Dextrin and Sodium Hydroxide, Int. J. Min. Proc., Vol. 33, 235-241 (1991): Presented at the 2nd Int. Workshop on Flotation of Sulphide Minerals, Lulea, 1990.;
- 78. Laskowski, J.S., Liu, Q. and Bolin, N.J., Polysaccharides in Flotation of Sulphides, Part I. Adsorption of Polysaccharides onto Mineral Surfaces, Int. J. Min. Proc., Vol. 33, 223-234 (1991): Presented at the 2nd Int. Workshop on Flotation of Sulphide Minerals, Lulea, 1990.;
- 77. Dai, Q. and Laskowski, J.S., The Krafft Point of Dodecylammonium Chloride: pH Effect, Langmuir, Vol. 7, 1361-1364 (1991).;
- 76. Klein , B., Partridge, S.J. and Laskowski, J.S., Rheology of Unstable Mineral Suspensions, Coal Preparation, 8, 123-134 (1990).;
- 75. Liu, Qi and Laskowski, J.S., The Role of Metal Hydroxides at Mineral Surfaces in Dextrin Adsorption. Part II. Chalcopyrite-Galena Separations in the Presence of Dextrin. International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol. 27, 147-155, (1989).;
- 74. Liu, Qi and Laskowski, J.S., The Role of Metal Hydroxides at Mineral Surfaces in Dextrin Adsorption. Part I. Studies on Modified Quartz Samples. International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol. 26, 297-316 (1989).;
- 73. Liu, Qi and Laskowski, J.S., Interactions Between Dextrin and Metal Hydroxides in Aqueous Solutions, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 130, 101-111 (1989).;
- 72. Laskowski, J.S., J.L. Yordan and Yoon, R.H., Electrokinetic Potential of Microbubbles Generated in Aqueous Solutions of Weak Electrolyte Type Surfactants. Langmuir, Vol. 5, 375-376 (1989).;
- 71. Vurdela, R.M. and Laskowski, J.S., Positively Charged Colloidal Species in Aqueous Anionic Surfactant Solutions, Colloids and Surfaces, Vol. 22, 77-80 (1987).;
- 70. Fuerstenau, D.W., Yang, G.C.C. and Laskowski, J.S., Oxidation Phenomena in Coal Flotation. Part 1, Correlation Between Oxygen Functional Group Concentration, Immersion Wettability and Salt Flotation Response, Coal Preparation: A Multinational Journal, Vol. 4, 161-182 (1987).;
- 69. Laskowski, J.S., Sirois, L.L. and Moon, K.S., Effect of Humic Acids on Coal Flotation. Part 1, Coal Flotation Selectivity in the Presence of Humic Acids. Coal Preparation: A Multinational Journal, Vol. 3, 133-154 (1986).;
- 68. Castro, S.H., Vurdela, R.M. and Laskowski, J.S., The Surface Association and Precipitation of Surfactant Species in Alkaline Dodecylamine Hydrochloride Solutions, Colloids and Surfaces, Vol. 21, 87-100 (1986).;
- 67. Solari, J.A., Correa de Araujo, A. and Laskowski, J.S., The Effect of Carboxymethyl Cellulose on the Flotation and Surface Properties of Graphite. Coal Preparation: A Multinational Journal, 3, 15-31 (1986).;
- 66. Laskowski, J.S., Fuerstenau, D.W., Gonzales, G. and Urbina, R.H., Studies on the Flotation of Chrysocolla, Mineral Processing and Technology Review, 2, 135-155 (1985).;
- 65. Rippin, R. and Laskowski, J.S., PVC-Surfactant-Selective Electrode Responsive to Primary Amines, Colloids and Surfaces, 15, 277-283 (1985).;
- 64. Wong, K. and Laskowski, J.S., Effect of Humic Acid on the Properties of Graphite Aqueous Suspensions”, Colloids and Surfaces, 12, 317-332 (1984).;
- 63. Rosenbaum, J.M., Fuersteanu, D.W. and Laskowski, J.S., “Effect of Surface Functional Groups on the Flotation of Coals”. Colloids and Surfaces, 8, 153-165 (1983).;
- 62. Miller, J.D., Laskowski, J.S. and Chang, S., “Effect of Coal Oxidation on Dextrin Adsorption”, Colloids and Surfaces, 8, 137-150 (1983).;
- 61. Sadowski, Z. and Laskowski, J.S., “Hindered Settling – a New Method of the i.e.p. Determination of Minerals”. Colloids and Surfaces, 1, 151-159 (1980).;
- 60. Drzymala, J., Lekki, J. and Laskowski, J.S., “Surface Dissociation Constants for Solid Oxide/Aqueous Solution Systems”, Coll. Polymer Sci., 257, 768 (1979).;
- 59. Mager, J. and Laskowski, J.S., “Secondary coagulation of the quartz suspension”, Coll. Polym. Sci., 257, 328-340 (1979).
- 58. Sadowski, Z., Mager, J. and Laskowski, J.S., “Hindered Settling of Coagulating Suspensions”. Powder Technology, 21, 73-80 (1978).;
- 57. Luszczkiewicz, A., Sak, A. and Laskowski, J.S., “Flocculation of Coal Slimes”. Chemia Stosowana (Polish J.Appl.Chemistry), 21, 389 (1977). In Polish.;
- 56. Ryncarz, A. and Laskowski, J.S., “Influece of Flotation Reagents on Wet Grinding of Quartz”. Powder Technology, 18, 179 (1977).;
- 55. Gonzalez, A.C., Gonzalez, G. and Laskowski, J.S., “Effect of Aging on the Flotation Response of Chrysocolla”, Trans. IMM, Sec. C., 84, C 154 (1975).;
- 54. Lupa, Z. and Laskowski, J.S., “Odsiarczanie wegli energetycznych w separatorze fluidyzacyjnym”, Proceedings of the Silesian University of Technology, Mining, No. 60, 27 (1974). In Polish.;
- 53. Laskowski, J.S., “Bubble-particle Attachment in Flotation”, Minerals Science and Engineering. 6, 223 (1974).;
- 52. Gonzalez, G. and Laskowski, J.S., “The point of zero charge of oxidized copper minerals: tenorite, malachite and chrysocolla”, Electroanalyt. Chem. & Interf. Electrochem., 53, 452 (1974).;
- 51. Castro, S., Soto, H., Goldfarb, J. and Laskowski, J.S., “Sulphidizing Reactions in the Flotation of Oxidized Copper Minerals. Part II. Role of the Adsorption and Oxidation of Sodium Sulphide in the Flotation of Chrycocolla and Malachite”. Intern. J. Mineral Processing, 1, 151 (1974).;
- 50. Castro, S., Goldfarb, J. and Laskowski, J.S., “Sulphidizing Reactions in the Flotation of Oxidized Copper Minerals. Part. I. Chemical Factors in the Sulphidization of Copper Oxide”, Intern. J. Mineral Processing, 1, 141 (1974).;
- 49. Sobieraj, S. and Laskowski, J.S., “Research and Development in Flotation of Chromium Ores”, Trans. IMM, Sec. C., 82, C 207 (1973).;
- 48. Soto, H. and Laskowski, J.S., “Redox Conditions in the Flotation of Malachite with a Sulphidizing Agent”, Trans. IMM, Sec. C., 82, C 153 (1973).;
- 47. Girczys, J., Laskowski, J.S. and Lekki, J., “Copper Activation Studies with Sphalerite”, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 11, 553 (1972).;
- 46. Sobieraj, S., Haber, J. and Laskowski, J.S., “Mechanism of surface oxidation of chromium spinels and its influence on their surface properties”, Polish Journal of Chemistry, 46, 1987 (1972).;
- 45. Nogly, J. and Laskowski, J.S., “Badania sorpcji – terpineolu na powierzchni ziarn wegla”, Archiwum Gornictwa, 17, 199 (1972). In Polish.;
- 44. Girczys, J. and Laskowski, J.S., “Mechanism of Flotation of Unactivated Sphalerite with Xanthates”, Trans. IMM, Sec. C., 81, C 118 (1972).;
- 43. Girczys, J. and Laskowski, J.S., “Badania niektorych podstawowych zaleznosci we flotacji sfalerytu”, Rudy i Metale Niezelazne, No. 3, 100 (1972). In Polish.;
- 42. Markowska, D., Laskowski, J.S. and Lekki, J., “Badania nad doborem optymalnych ilosci odczynnikow zbierajacych i panotworczych we flotacji rudy siarki”, Przemysl Chemiczny, 51, 50 (1972). In Polish.;
- 41. Salame, N., Goldfarb, J., Leppe, A. and Laskowski, J.S., “Estudios de la flotacion de malaquita por sulfidizacion en medio acuoso”, Minerales, 27, No. 118, 23 (1972). In Spanish.;
- 40. Lekki, J. and Laskowski, J.S., “On the dynamic Effect of Frother-collector Joint Action in Flotation”, Trans. IMM, Sec. C, 80, C 174 (1971).;
- 39. Iskra, J., Lupa, Z., Switala, J. and Laskowski, J.S., “Doswiadczenia laboratoryjne dla projektowania technologii flotacji wegla”, Przeglad Gorniczy, No. 10, 445 (1971). In Polish.;
- 38. Laskowski, J.S., Lupa, Z. and Niewiadomski, A., “Krzywe flotowalnosci wegla”, Przeglad Gorniczy, No. 9, 394 (1971). In Polish.;
- 37. Laskowski, J.S., “Wspolczesne metody wzbogacania rud”, Proceedings of the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Metallurgy, Wroclaw Technical University, No. 3, 265 (1971). In Polish.;
- 36. Laskowski, J.S. and Lupa, Z., “Krzywe wzbogacalnosci Della”, Proceedings of the Mining Institute of Wroclaw Technical Unviersity, No. 3, 229 (1970). In Polish.;
- 35. Laskowski, J.S., Lupa, Z., Iskra, J. and Lekki, J., “Proby podniesienia efektywnosci wzbogacania rud miedzi z nowych zloz przez zastosowanie selektywnego kruszenia nadawy flotacyjnej”, Proceedings of the Mining institute of Wroclaw Technical University, No. 3, 251 (1970). In Polish.;
- 34. Laskowski, J.S. and Konieczny, E., “An Attempt to the Determination of Air-oxidation of Coal by Adsorption of the Surfactants”, Archiwum Gornictwa, 15, No. 1 29 (1970). ;
- 33. Laskowski, J.S. and Iskra, J., “Role of Capillary Effects in Bubble-particle collision in Flotation”, Trans. IMM, Scc. C., 79, C 6 (1970).;
- 32. Laskowski, J.S. and Bartoniek, W., “Flotograwitacyjne wzbogacanie wegla”, Przeglad Gorniczy, No. 5, 250 (1970). In Polish.;
- 31. Iskra, J., Laskowski, J.S. and Luszczkiewicz, A., “Flotacja piaskowcowej rudy miedzi zwiazkami krzemoorganicznymi”, Rudy i Metale Niezelazne, No 12, 631 (1969). In Polish. The paper was also translated and published in Russian: Ekspress Informacia – Obogaschenie Poleznykh Iskopaemykh, No. 15 (1970).;
- 30. Laskowski, J.S. and Marchewicz, M., “Flotacja duzych ziarn wegla”, Przeglad Gorniczy, No. 9, 438 (1969). In Polish.;
- 29. Laskowski, J.S. and Sobieraj, S., “Zero Points of Charge of Spinel Minerals”, Trns. IMM, Sec. C., 78, C 161 (1969).;
- 28. Iskra, J. and Laskowski, J.S., “Copper Ions in the Flotation Process: Effect of CuSO on Flotation of Methylated Quartz”, Trans. IMM, Sec. C. 78, C 113 (1969).;
- 27. Laskowski, J.S. and Kitchener, J.A., “The Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic Transion on Silica”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 29, 671 (1969).;
- 26. Laskowski, J.S. and Ryncarz, A., “Wzbogacanie flotacyjne wegli gazowych”, Przeglad Gorniczy, No. 4, 174 (1967). In Polish.;
- 25. Iskra, J. and Laskowski, J.S., “New Possibilities for Investigating Air Oxidation of Coal Surfaces at Low Temperatures”, Fuel, 46, 5 (1967).;
- 24. Iskra, J. and Laskowski, J.S., “Kierunki rozwoju maszyn flotacyjnych”, Przeglad Gorniczy, No. 6, 257 (1966). In Polish.;
- 23. Laskowski, J.S., “Flotacja mineralow o naturalnej hydrofobowosci w roztworach z podwyzszonym stezeniem soli nieorganicznych”, Proceedings of The Silesian University of Technology, Mining, No. 16, (1966). 93 pages. In Polish.;
- 22. Laskowski, J.S. and Lupa, Z., “Wlasnosci powierzchniowe wegli kamiennych w swietle doswiadczen flotacyjnych”, Archiwum Gornictwa, 11, 397 (1966). In Polish.;
- 21. Laksowski, J.S., “Solna flotacja w swietle teorii koagulacji koloidow liofobowych”, Polish J. of Applied Chemistry, 10, 1A, 65 (1966). In Polish.;
- 20. Dabrowska, L., Laskowski, J.S. and Sulkowski, J., “Flotacyjne wzbogacine krajowych surowcow talkowo-chlorytowych z okolic Wir”, Przemysl Chemiczny, 44, 569 (1965). In Polish.;
- 19. Laskowski, J.S. and Weber, F., “Wplyw solid nieorganicznych na predkosc flotacji wegla”, Przeglad Gorniczy, No. 6, 296 (1965). In Polish.;
- 18. Laskowski, J.S. and Mielecki, J., “Solna flotacja wegla z rownoczesnym uzyciem odczynnikow organicznych”, Przeglad Gorniczy, No. 3, 113 (1964). In Polish.;
- 17. Laskowski, J.S., “Intesyfikacja procesu flotacji wegla”, Przeglad Gorniczy, No. 2, 65 (1965). In Polish.;
- 16. Laskowski, J.S., “Wplyw stezenia obojetnych soli w metach flotacyjnych na dzialanie apolarnych odczynnikow zbierajacych”, Rudy i Metale Niezelazne, No. 1, 11 (1965). In Polish.;
- 15. Laskowski, J.S., “Zjawiska towarzyszace flotacji w swietle teorii polprzewodnikow”, Rudy i Metale Niezelazne, No. 11, 588 (1964). In Polish.;
- 14. Laskowski, J.S., “Teoretyczne aspekty flotowania mineralow hydrofobowch i hydrfilnych w roztworach soli nieorganicznych”, Proceedings of The Silesian University of Technology, Mining, No. 11, 103 (1964). In Polish.;
- 13. Iskra, J. and Laskowski, J.S., “Wplyw soli nieorganicznych na pianotworczosc zwiazkow powierzchiniowo-czynnych. Part II. Badania pianotworczych wlasnosci sulfoetsrow i sulfonianow”, Proceedings of the Silesian University of Technology, Mining, No. 11, 93 (1964). In Polish.;
- 12. Iskra, J. and Laskowski, J.S., Wplyw soli nieorganicznych na pianotworczosc zwiazkow powierzchniowo-czynnych. Part I. Badania pianotworczych wlasnosci terpineoulu. Proceedings of The Silesian Unviersity of Technology, Mining, No. 11, 73 (1964). In Polish.;
- 11. Klar, J. and Laskowski, J.S., “Solna flotacja tarnobrzeskiej rudy siarkowej”, Proceedings of The Silesian University of Technology, Mining, No. 9, 21 (1964). In Polish.;
- 10. Klassen, V.I. and Laskowski, J.S., “Zaleznosc miedzy wielkoscia potencjalu elektrokinctyznego i potencjalu poierzchni a flotacja”, Przemysl Chem., 43, No. 1, 12 (1964). In Polish.;
- 09. Laskowski, J.S., “Badania wplywu substancji mineralnych na solna flotacje wegla kamiennego”, Proceedings of The Silesian University of Technology, Mining, No. 9 (1964). In Polish.;
- 08. Laskowski, J.S., “Z badan nad solna flotacja”, Rudy i Metale Niezelazne, No. 11, 412 (1963). In Polish.;
- 07. Klassen, V.I. and Laskowski, J.S., Wlijanie nieorganitscheskikh solei na potencial antracitovogo elektroda i na ustoitchivost suspiensi antracita i ugla w sviasi s ikh solnoi flotatsi. Russian Colloid Journal, 25, No. 5, 549 (1963). In Russian.;
- 06. Laskowski, J.S. and Klassen, V.I., K teori diejstvia nieorganitscheskikh elektrolitov pri solnoi flotatsi uglei. Izv. Akad. Nauk USSR, OTN Metallurgia i Gornoe Delo, No. 3, 182 (1963). In Russian.;
- 05. Klassen, V.I. and Laskowski, J.S, “O vliani nieorganitscheskikh solei na polny skachok potenciala na granicy antracit/wodnyi rastvor. Doklady Akad. Nauk USSR, 145, No. 4, 357 (1962). In Russian.;
- 04. Laskowski, J.S., Badania stabilnosci wodnych zawiesin weglowych wobec roztworow soli nieorganicznych. Proceedings of the Silesian University of Technology, Mining, No. 5, 31 (1962). In Polish.;
- 03. Laskowski, J.S., Budowa wegla a zwilzalnosc jego powierzchni przez wode. Archiwum Gornictwa, No. 4, 467 (1962). In Polish.;
- 02. Laskowski, J.S., “Flotacja wegli kamiennych”, Przeglad Gorniczy, No. 1, 60 (1962). In Polish.;
- 01. Laskowski, J.S., “Porownanie najczesciej stosowanych wzorow do obliczania osadnikow o dzialaniu ciaglym”, Przeglad Gorniczy, No. 11, 525 (1959). In Polish.;