Graduate Certificate in Global Mine Waste Management

Reference Forms and Letters

Certificate in Global Mine Waste Management Logo

A minimum of three references are required for application to graduate programs at UBC. References should be requested from individuals who are prepared to provide a report on your academic ability and professional qualifications. Of the three references, at least one should be an academic reference.

There are two possible formats for references:


Your referee may wish to send a paper letter. Paper letters of reference should be on the referee’s official letterhead. The envelope should be sealed and endorsed by the referee.


UBC provides an academic reference form and a professional reference form.

The academic reference form is used in situations where the referee is someone with who you have interacted within an academic setting (e.g. referee was the professor of a course in which you were enrolled).

The professional reference form is used in situations where the reference is someone with who you have interacted in a professional setting (e.g. referee was your supervisor at work).

Your referee will fill out the applicable reference form and mail it directly to the relevant program in a sealed and endorsed envelope.

Reference forms and or letters should be sent directly to the Department of Mining Engineering:

UBC Mining Engineering
Graduate Certificate Program
517- 6350 Stores Road
Vancouver, BC  V6T 1Z4