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Waste Management

Waste management is a critical component of resource extraction. As societies shift towards a low-carbon model, the environmental impact of mining is a top priority for researchers. At the Norman B. Keevil Institute for Mining Engineering, we are focused on innovating the processes involved in the socio-economic aspects and sustainability of mining operations.


LA TorresCruz

Luis Torres Cruz

Assistant Professor

Dr. Luis Torres Cruz is joining the Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering on 25 July 2024 as the Teck Professor in Tailings Management and Innovation. Dr. Cruz holds a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the Universidad del Valle in Cali, Colombia and a PhD in Geotechnical Engineering from Wits University in Johannesburg, South Africa. He is a senior lecturer at Wits where his teaching contributions include postgraduate courses on tailings management and critical state soil mechanics. The main driver of his research is the prevention of catastrophic failures of tailings dams. This has led him to work…